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NARBAYASGALAN Ulambayar I Уламбаярын Нарбаясгалан

Narbayasgalan ist ein aufstrebender mongolischer Künstler. Seine zeitgenössische Arbeit ist bekannt dafür, stark politisch aufgeladen zu sein – gesellschaftliche Strukturen und politische Praktiken werden kritisch hinterfragt. Er visualisiert seine Kritik in Bildern, Installationen und mixed-media Collagen.


Geboren 1983 in der Mongolei, studierte er an der Rajiv Gandhi Hochschule für Kunst und Design und an der Mongolischen Universität für Künste und Kultur in Ulaanbaatar. Erste Einzelausstellung “Ungoverned Governance” in 2014 in der Red Ger Art Gallery in Ulaanbaatar. Weitere Gruppenausstellungen von 2009 bis 2014:  “To the Unknown Land” in Tegu, Südkorea und in der Mongolei; “The Golden Brush” ,“Spring”, “Surrealism in Mongolia” in der UMA Art Gallery; “100 Lives” 2011, “New works” und “The Best Artworks of Mongolia” in der Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery; “4 x 1” im Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts in Ulaanbaatar.

Narbayasgalan Ulambayar is an contemporary artist, up-and-coming in Mongolia. He is known for his politically charged artworks, questioning the structure of society, government organization and policies in place. He uses painting, installation, objects, mixed media and collages to visualize his concepts.


Born 1983 in der Mongolei, he studied at the “Rajiv Gandhi” Art and Design College and at the Mongolian University of Arts and Culture in Ulaanbaatar. He had his first solo exhibition “Ungoverned Governance” in 2014 at Red Ger Art Gallery in Ulaanbaatar.

Other joint-exhibitions from 2009 till 2014:  “To the Unknown Land” in Tegu, Korea and in Mongolia; “The Golden Brush” ,“Spring”, “Surrealism in Mongolia” at UMA Art Gallery; “100 Lives” 2011, “New works” and “The Best Artworks of Mongolia” at Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery; “4 x 1” at the Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts in Ulaanbaatar.

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